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Ice Climbing in Slavonsky Raj [Paukl 2. 12. 2019 22:57:46]
Plánujem navštíviť Slovenský raj v januári
Prosím, dajte mi vedieť, kde nájdem toposy o polohe a závažnosti výstupu na ľad v rokline.
V roku 2015 som navštívil Suchu Belu. Teraz by som sa chcel dozvedieť viac o lezení v Letanovskom mlyne.

I plan to visit Slovak Paradise in January
Please let me know where to find topos on the position and severity of the ice climb in the gorge.
In 2015 I visited Sucha Bela. Now I would like to learn more about climbing in the Letanovsky mlyn.
  • Ice Climbing in Slavonsky Raj [Mišo 16. 1. 2020 9:16:06]

  • Ice Climbing in Slavonsky Raj [Michal 7. 1. 2020 8:27:53]
    Hi man, this webpage is dead. Nobody will deliver a proper repsonse to you :). This webpage is just about posting negative opinions, wchich are almost always anonymous. Slovensky Raj is beautiful place but its value for ice climbing is very marginal - very few little ice falls which are not in conditions every winter. It has no sense to travelling there only for ice climbing. There are certainly better destinations. That is the reason why there is not any guide book or separate topo of this area. It has really sense just for locals which are living few kilometers from there. Have a nice day.

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